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The Green Velvet Chair

Lessons from The Green Velvet Chair are as light or as deep as the reader chooses.


Sometimes inspiration comes from the most unlikely places

The Green Velvet Chair 2nd Edition

If we are acutely aware of our surroundings, we discover that creativity is all around—teaching
and guiding us. We must recognize and nurture it, as it can profoundly touch all facets of our life.

Laura Ballerini is a designer who started her creative journey in the Advertising Department at The Calgary Herald. She started BluBrown Communications over 2 decades ago and seamlessly weaves together an unlikely array of stories about her inspiring mother, online shopping, designing in the dirt, and many other adventures. Some of these essays are funny, some poignant—all are memorable snippets of universal experiences meant to spark our awareness and awaken us to the rich fields of creativity all around us.

Many chapters capture a piercing parallel between creativity and the role of a business leader that evoke:

INSPIRATION: Seeing the world through the eyes of her young granddaughter Laura now sees the world in a unique way. Sometimes it takes a fresh perspective to rejuvenate our way of thinking. When it comes to communication and business storytelling, it should be approached with a fresh set of eyes.

VISION: Laura witnessed her mom take on many creative projects—she was a force to be reckoned with. But her mother also faced adversity as many scoffed at her ideas. It took tenacity and courage to forge ahead when many doubted her. This is what great leaders and visionaries are made of.

PERSPECTIVE: The family cat frequently sat in front of closed blinds for long periods. Curious as to what he was doing, Laura laid beside him one day. She could see slivers of light through the closed blinds, enabling her to see fragments of the backyard. Ballerini wondered how many of us are seeing the world through slivers of light, and how many of us are seeing the world through fully opened blinds? As business leaders, it is critical to have the right perspective when faced with challenges and opportunities.

BRAND: Ballerini learned about personal brand at her 10th High School reunion. A decade earlier she was a shy, chubby, awkward girl. Laura had since blossomed into an accomplished young woman and wanted to make an impact entering the school gym. She was quickly validated by one of the popular boys as to just how effective her physical transformation was. She should have been flattered, but instead was appalled. Her real ‘brand’ was her ethics, values, and kindness—none of which he saw. Brand is so much more than what meets the eye.

RESOURCEFULNESS: Forgetting much-needed school supplies as a child required Laura to become resourceful—quickly. She equated this to business, particularly coming out a pandemic. Innovation, invention, and creativity have never been more valued then when one is forced to run a business during a lockdown!


About the Author:
Laura Ballerini is an accomplished designer who has been running her thriving communications firm for over 20 years. As author of The Green Velvet Chair, Laura gathered a collection of heartfelt stories depicting how art and design influence us and spur creativity not only in our work, but in our everyday lives. The essays are viewed through her unique creative lens. Laura has a degree in Visual Communications from The Alberta University of the Arts and is a recipient of numerous awards. While she’s a quiet and introverted creative, Laura has recently found her inner badass and radiates her “quietly fierce” disposition in her work and her life. Laura lives in Calgary, Alberta, with her husband, children, and a pretentious cat named Gooey.

The Green Velvet Chair, by Laura Ballerini

Laura Elizabeth Ballerini, author of The Green Velvet Chair

If you are interested in reading “The Green Velvet Chair” it is online and AVAILABLE ON AMAZON

You may also want to check out Laura’s Author Website at: Badass

BluBrown Communications

Author BluBrown Communications

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